
No Wild5 NFTs have been minted yet.

Presales are open.

dNFT States Explained

The different states are:

Minted–All the NFT’s will start with this state as the accompanying bottle would not have left our custody yet, and this state will be represented by a plain single-color background.
Frozen–Once the wine is redeemed, the NFT will be frozen in the smart contract and represented by an iceberg background, until the holder receives their packed.
Redeemed–The artistic backgrounds chosen are of iconic South African landmarks and other recognizable themes, and these are the backgrounds found on the physical NFT. This will show new buyers that the bottle has been redeemed.
Decanted–If ever the holder redeems the bottle and opens it, they can then mark it as being opened (or destroyed). This is the NFTs final state and is portrayed with a grey overlay.
Wild5 NFT Minted State Example. Trending NFTs.
Wild5 NFT Frozen State Example. Trending NFTs.
Wild5 NFT Redeemed State Example. Trending NFTs.
Wild5 NFT Decanted State Example. Trending NFTs.
Caution: Buy any Redeemed NFTs on open marketplaces at own risk. Wild5 cannot guarantee the delivery or authenticity of the physical NFT if the Wild5 Brokerage Service via the Wild5 Store isn't used for such secondary sales.

Trading Redeemed NFTs

Wild5 offers a brokerage service to connect holders who have redeemed the pNFTs, to buyers who are looking for a specific collectors item or who simply wants to expand their collection. Using this platform will eliminate the risk of not receiving the pNFT, and the risk of receiving an unauthenticated pNFT.

There are currently no Wild5 pNFTs redeemed and therefore there are no holders who have redeemed their pNFTs to list it in the Services section.

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Caution: Buy any Redeemed NFTs on open marketplaces at own risk. Wild5 cannot guarantee the delivery or authenticity of the physical NFT if the Wild5 Brokerage Service via the Wild5 Store isn't used for such secondary sales.

Trading Redeemed NFTs Warning

By using third-party platforms or apps to purchase a Wild5 NFT that that has been marked as having been redeemed, either visually or in its metadata, you are assuming full responsibility for the transaction.

Wild5 offers a brokerage service to connect holders of redeemed pNFTs, to buyers who are looking for a specific collectors item or who simply wants to expand their collection. Using this platform will eliminate the risk of not receiving the pNFT, and the risk of receiving an unauthenticated pNFT.

Be careful out there.
Caution: Buy any Redeemed NFTs on open marketplaces at own risk. Wild5 cannot guarantee the delivery or authenticity of the physical NFT if the Wild5 Brokerage Service via the Wild5 Store isn't used for such secondary sales.